In chronological order (starting with most recent):
- Matchin, W, Mollasaraei, ZK, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C, Hickok, G, den Ouden, D et al.. Verbal working memory and syntactic comprehension segregate into the dorsal and ventral streams, respectively. Brain Commun. 2024;6 (6):fcae449. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae449. PubMed PMID:39713237 PubMed Central PMC11660927.
- Cassarly, C, Basilakos, A, Johnson, L, Wilmskoetter, J, Elm, J, Hillis, AE et al.. TEleRehabilitation foR Aphasia (TERRA) phase II trial design. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2024;42 :101406. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2024.101406. PubMed PMID:39686957 PubMed Central PMC11648797.
- Pallapothu, R, Newman-Norlund, RD, Gibson, M, Kannan, PR, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L et al.. Cortical Gray Matter Volume Associations with Dietary Fiber and Calorie Density: A Pilot Study. Res Sq. 2024; :. doi: 10.21203/ PubMed PMID:39649156 PubMed Central PMC11623756.
- Zhu, H, Fitzhugh, MC, Keator, LM, Johnson, L, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L et al.. How Can Graph Theory Inform the Dual-stream Model of Speech Processing? A Resting-state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Stroke and Aphasia Symptomology. J Cogn Neurosci. 2024; :1-30. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_02278. PubMed PMID:39536158 .
- Kaestner, E, Hassanzadeh, R, Gleichgerrcht, E, Hasenstab, K, Roth, RW, Chang, A et al.. Adding the third dimension: 3D convolutional neural network diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain Commun. 2024;6 (5):fcae346. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae346. PubMed PMID:39474046 PubMed Central PMC11520928.
- Rangus, I, Teghipco, A, Newman-Norlund, S, Newman-Norlund, R, Rorden, C, Riccardi, N et al.. The Influence of Structural Brain Changes on Cognition in the Context of Healthy Aging: Exploring Mediation Effects Through gBAT-The Graphical Brain Association Tool. Hum Brain Mapp. 2024;45 (14):e70038. doi: 10.1002/hbm.70038. PubMed PMID:39382372 PubMed Central PMC11462644.
- Teghipco, A, Newman-Norlund, R, Gibson, M, Bonilha, L, Absher, J, Fridriksson, J et al.. Stable multivariate lesion symptom mapping. Apert Neuro. 2024;4 :. doi: 10.52294/001c.117311. PubMed PMID:39364269 PubMed Central PMC11449259.
- Gibson, M, Newman-Norlund, R, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G, Hillis, AE et al.. The Aphasia Recovery Cohort, an open-source chronic stroke repository. Sci Data. 2024;11 (1):981. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03819-7. PubMed PMID:39251640 PubMed Central PMC11384737.
- Roth, RW, Schwen Blackett, D, Gleichgerrcht, E, Wilmskoetter, J, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, R et al.. Long-range white matter fibres and post-stroke verbal and non-verbal cognition. Brain Commun. 2024;6 (4):fcae262. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae262. PubMed PMID:39185028 PubMed Central PMC11342249.
- Newman-Norlund, RD, Gibson, M, Johnson, L, Teghipco, A, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L et al.. Cerebellar Atrophy and Language Processing in Chronic Left-Hemisphere Stroke. Neurobiol Lang (Camb). 2024;5 (3):722-735. doi: 10.1162/nol_a_00120. PubMed PMID:39175791 PubMed Central PMC11338304.
- Wilson, SC, Teghipco, A, Sayers, S, Newman-Norlund, R, Newman-Norlund, S, Fridriksson, J et al.. Story Recall in Peer Conflict Resolution Discourse Task to Identify Older Adults Testing Within Range of Cognitive Impairment. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2024; :1-17. doi: 10.1044/2024_AJSLP-24-00005. PubMed PMID:39173074 .
- Rizor, E, Fridriksson, J, Peters, DM, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L, Yourganov, G et al.. Brain-Hand Function Relationships Based on Level of Grasp Function in Chronic Left-Hemisphere Stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2024;38 (10):752-763. doi: 10.1177/15459683241270080. PubMed PMID:39162287 PubMed Central PMC11486587.
- Zheng, S, McLain, AC, Habiger, J, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J. False Discovery Rate Control for Lesion-Symptom Mapping With Heterogeneous Data via Weighted p-Values. Biom J. 2024;66 (6):e202300198. doi: 10.1002/bimj.202300198. PubMed PMID:39162085 PubMed Central PMC11420788.
- Riccardi, N, Schwen Blackett, D, Broadhead, A, den Ouden, D, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J et al.. A Rose by Any Other Name: Mapping Taxonomic and Thematic Naming Errors Poststroke. J Cogn Neurosci. 2024;36 (10):2251-2267. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_02236. PubMed PMID:39106171 PubMed Central PMC11792165.
- Arjmandi, MK, Neils-Strunjas, J, Nemati, S, Fridriksson, J, Newman-Norlund, S, Newman-Norlund, R et al.. Age-Related Hearing Loss, Cognitive Decline, and Social Interaction: Testing a Framework. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2024;67 (8):2743-2760. doi: 10.1044/2024_JSLHR-23-00810. PubMed PMID:38995870 .
- Walker, GM, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G. Assessing Relative Linguistic Impairment With Model-Based Item Selection. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2024;67 (8):2600-2619. doi: 10.1044/2024_JSLHR-23-00439. PubMed PMID:38995869 PubMed Central PMC11305613.
- Hannan, J, Busby, N, Roth, R, Wilmskoetter, J, Newman-Norlund, R, Rorden, C et al.. Under pressure: the interplay of hypertension and white matter hyperintensities with cognition in chronic stroke aphasia. Brain Commun. 2024;6 (3):fcae200. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae200. PubMed PMID:38894950 PubMed Central PMC11184349.
- Teghipco, A, Newman-Norlund, R, Fridriksson, J, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L. Distinct brain morphometry patterns revealed by deep learning improve prediction of post-stroke aphasia severity. Commun Med (Lond). 2024;4 (1):115. doi: 10.1038/s43856-024-00541-8. PubMed PMID:38866977 PubMed Central PMC11169346.
- Busby, N, Newman-Norlund, S, Sayers, S, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, R, Wilmskoetter, J et al.. Regional brain aging: premature aging of the domain general system predicts aphasia severity. Commun Biol. 2024;7 (1):718. doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06211-8. PubMed PMID:38862747 PubMed Central PMC11167062.
- Nemati, S, Arjmandi, M, Busby, N, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J. The impact of age-related hearing loss on cognitive decline: The mediating role of brain age gap. Neuroscience. 2024;551 :185-195. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.05.004. PubMed PMID:38838977 .
- Matchin, W, Mollasaraei, ZK, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C, Hickok, G, den Ouden, D et al.. Verbal working memory and syntactic comprehension segregate into the dorsal and ventral streams. bioRxiv. 2024; :. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.05.592577. PubMed PMID:38746328 PubMed Central PMC11092776.
- Newman-Norlund, RD, Kudaravalli, S, Merchant, AT, Fridriksson, J, Rorden, C. Exploring the link between tooth loss, cognitive function, and brain wellness in the context of healthy aging. J Periodontal Res. 2024;59 (6):1184-1194. doi: 10.1111/jre.13280. PubMed PMID:38708940 PubMed Central PMC11626696.
- Stockbridge, MD, Matchin, W, DeLuque, E, Sharif, M, Fridriksson, J, Faria, AV et al.. Mary has a little chair: Eliciting noun-modifier phrases in individuals with acute post-stroke aphasia. Aphasiology. 2024;38 (5):771-789. doi: 10.1080/02687038.2023.2233739. PubMed PMID:38654898 PubMed Central PMC11034753.
- Zhao, L, Wang, Y, Bawa, EM, Meng, Z, Wei, J, Newman-Norlund, S et al.. Identifying a group of factors predicting cognitive impairment among older adults. PLoS One. 2024;19 (4):e0301979. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301979. PubMed PMID:38603668 PubMed Central PMC11008866.
- Riccardi, N, Nelakuditi, S, den Ouden, DB, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J, Desai, RH et al.. Discourse- and lesion-based aphasia quotient estimation using machine learning. Neuroimage Clin. 2024;42 :103602. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2024.103602. PubMed PMID:38593534 PubMed Central PMC11016805.
- Harrington, RM, Kristinsson, S, Wilmskoetter, J, Busby, N, den Ouden, D, Rorden, C et al.. Dissociating reading and auditory comprehension in persons with aphasia. Brain Commun. 2024;6 (2):fcae102. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae102. PubMed PMID:38585671 PubMed Central PMC10998352.
- Rorden, C, Hanayik, T, Glen, DR, Newman-Norlund, R, Drake, C, Fridriksson, J et al.. Improving 3D edge detection for visual inspection of MRI coregistration and alignment. J Neurosci Methods. 2024;406 :110112. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2024.110112. PubMed PMID:38508496 PubMed Central PMC11060928.
- Fahey, D, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G, Matchin, W. Lesion-symptom Mapping of Acceptability Judgments in Chronic Poststroke Aphasia Reveals the Neurobiological Underpinnings of Receptive Syntax. J Cogn Neurosci. 2024;36 (6):1141-1155. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_02134. PubMed PMID:38437175 PubMed Central PMC11095916.
- Johnson, L, Newman-Norlund, R, Teghipco, A, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J et al.. Progressive lesion necrosis is related to increasing aphasia severity in chronic stroke. Neuroimage Clin. 2024;41 :103566. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2024.103566. PubMed PMID:38280310 PubMed Central PMC10835598.
- Stockbridge, MD, Kelly, L, Newman-Norlund, S, White, B, Bourgeois, M, Rothermel, E et al.. New Picture Stimuli for the NIH Stroke Scale: A Validation Study. Stroke. 2024;55 (2):443-451. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044384. PubMed PMID:38252764 PubMed Central PMC10832390.
- Busby, N, Newman-Norlund, R, Wilmskoetter, J, Johnson, L, Rorden, C, Gibson, M et al.. Longitudinal Progression of White Matter Hyperintensity Severity in Chronic Stroke Aphasia. Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl. 2023;5 (4):100302. doi: 10.1016/j.arrct.2023.100302. PubMed PMID:38163020 PubMed Central PMC10757197.
- Riccardi, N, Zhao, X, den Ouden, DB, Fridriksson, J, Desai, RH, Wang, Y et al.. Network-based statistics distinguish anomic and Broca's aphasia. Brain Struct Funct. 2024;229 (9):2237-2253. doi: 10.1007/s00429-023-02738-4. PubMed PMID:38160205 .
- Bonilha, L, Rorden, C, Roth, R, Sen, S, George, MS, Fridriksson, J et al.. Improved naming in patients with Broca's aphasia with tDCS. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2024;95 (3):273-276. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2023-331541. PubMed PMID:38071545 .
- Matchin, W, den Ouden, DB, Basilakos, A, Stark, BC, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G et al.. Grammatical Parallelism in Aphasia: A Lesion-Symptom Mapping Study. Neurobiol Lang (Camb). 2023;4 (4):550-574. doi: 10.1162/nol_a_00117. PubMed PMID:37946730 PubMed Central PMC10631800.
- Wilmskoetter, J, Roth, R, McDowell, K, Munsell, B, Fontenot, S, Andrews, K et al.. Semantic Categorization of Naming Responses Based on Prearticulatory Electrical Brain Activity. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2023;40 (7):608-615. doi: 10.1097/WNP.0000000000000933. PubMed PMID:37931162 PubMed Central PMC10628367.
- Busby, N, Wilson, S, Wilmskoetter, J, Newman-Norlund, R, Sayers, S, Newman-Norlund, S et al.. White matter hyperintensity load mediates the relationship between age and cognition. Neurobiol Aging. 2023;132 :56-66. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2023.08.007. PubMed PMID:37729770 .
- Stockbridge, MD, Elm, J, Teklehaimanot, AA, Cassarly, C, Spell, LA, Fridriksson, J et al.. Individual Differences in Response to Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation With Language Therapy in Subacute Stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2023;37 (8):519-529. doi: 10.1177/15459683231190642. PubMed PMID:37592860 PubMed Central PMC10528733.
- Hannan, J, Wilmskoetter, J, Fridriksson, J, Hillis, AE, Bonilha, L, Busby, N et al.. Brain health imaging markers, post-stroke aphasia and Cognition: A scoping review. Neuroimage Clin. 2023;39 :103480. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103480. PubMed PMID:37536153 PubMed Central PMC10412866.
- Busby, N, Newman-Norlund, S, Sayers, S, Newman-Norlund, R, Wilmskoetter, J, Rorden, C et al.. Lower socioeconomic status is associated with premature brain aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2023;130 :135-140. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2023.06.012. PubMed PMID:37506551 .
- Teghipco, A, Newman-Norlund, R, Fridriksson, J, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L. Distinct brain morphometry patterns revealed by deep learning improve prediction of aphasia severity. Res Sq. 2023; :. doi: 10.21203/ PubMed PMID:37461696 PubMed Central PMC10350198.
- Wilmskoetter, J, Busby, N, He, X, Caciagli, L, Roth, R, Kristinsson, S et al.. Dynamic network properties of the superior temporal gyrus mediate the impact of brain age gap on chronic aphasia severity. Commun Biol. 2023;6 (1):727. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-05119-z. PubMed PMID:37452209 PubMed Central PMC10349039.
- Stockbridge, MD, Faria, AV, Fridriksson, J, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L, Hillis, AE et al.. Subacute aphasia recovery is associated with resting-state connectivity within and beyond the language network. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2023;10 (9):1525-1532. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51842. PubMed PMID:37403712 PubMed Central PMC10502663.
- Sen, S, Newman-Norlund, R, Riccardi, N, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, S, Sayers, S et al.. Cerebral blood flow in patients recovered from mild COVID-19. J Neuroimaging. 2023;33 (5):764-772. doi: 10.1111/jon.13129. PubMed PMID:37265421 PubMed Central PMC11205277.
- Roth, R, Busby, N, Wilmskoetter, J, Schwen Blackett, D, Gleichgerrcht, E, Johnson, L et al.. Diabetes, brain health, and treatment gains in post-stroke aphasia. Cereb Cortex. 2023;33 (13):8557-8564. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad140. PubMed PMID:37139636 PubMed Central PMC10321080.
- Zhu, H, Fitzhugh, MC, Keator, LM, Johnson, L, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L et al.. How can graph theory inform the dual-stream model of speech processing? a resting-state fMRI study of post-stroke aphasia. bioRxiv. 2023; :. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.17.537216. PubMed PMID:37131756 PubMed Central PMC10153155.
- Busby, N, Hillis, AE, Bunker, L, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, R, Bonilha, L et al.. Comparing the brain-behaviour relationship in acute and chronic stroke aphasia. Brain Commun. 2023;5 (2):fcad014. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad014. PubMed PMID:37056476 PubMed Central PMC10088484.
- Behroozmand, R, Sarmukadam, K, Fridriksson, J. Aberrant modulation of broadband neural oscillations reflects vocal sensorimotor deficits in post-stroke aphasia. Clin Neurophysiol. 2023;149 :100-112. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2023.02.176. PubMed PMID:36934601 PubMed Central PMC10101924.
- Stockbridge, MD, Elm, J, Breining, BL, Tippett, DC, Sebastian, R, Cassarly, C et al.. Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation in Subacute Aphasia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Stroke. 2023;54 (4):912-920. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041557. PubMed PMID:36912144 PubMed Central PMC10050116.
- Kristinsson, S, Basilakos, A, den Ouden, DB, Cassarly, C, Spell, LA, Bonilha, L et al.. Predicting Outcomes of Language Rehabilitation: Prognostic Factors for Immediate and Long-Term Outcomes After Aphasia Therapy. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2023;66 (3):1068-1084. doi: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00347. PubMed PMID:36827514 PubMed Central PMC10205105.
- Zhao, X, Riccardi, N, den Ouden, DB, Desai, RH, Fridriksson, J, Wang, Y et al.. Network-based statistics distinguish anomic and Broca aphasia. ArXiv. 2023; :. . PubMed PMID:36798458 PubMed Central PMC9934734.
- Brown, AD, Liese, AD, Shapiro, ALB, Frongillo, EA, Wilkening, G, Fridriksson, J et al.. Household Food Insecurity and Cognition in Youth and Young Adults with Youth-Onset Diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2023;2023 :. doi: 10.1155/2023/6382663. PubMed PMID:38765732 PubMed Central PMC11100256.
- Matchin, W, Ouden, DD, Hickok, G, Hillis, AE, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J et al.. Reply: The Wernicke conundrum is misinterpreted. Brain. 2023;146 (4):e23-e24. doi: 10.1093/brain/awac483. PubMed PMID:36549676 .
- Busby, N, Wilmskoetter, J, Gleichgerrcht, E, Rorden, C, Roth, R, Newman-Norlund, R et al.. Advanced Brain Age and Chronic Poststroke Aphasia Severity. Neurology. 2023;100 (11):e1166-e1176. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201693. PubMed PMID:36526425 PubMed Central PMC10074460.
- Farahbod, H, Rogalsky, C, Keator, LM, Cai, J, Pillay, SB, Turner, K et al.. Informational Masking in Aging and Brain-lesioned Individuals. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2023;24 (1):67-79. doi: 10.1007/s10162-022-00877-9. PubMed PMID:36471207 PubMed Central PMC9971540.
- Busby, N, Newman-Norlund, S, Sayers, S, Newman-Norlund, R, Wilson, S, Nemati, S et al.. White matter hyperintensity load is associated with premature brain aging. Aging (Albany NY). 2022;14 (23):9458-9465. doi: 10.18632/aging.204397. PubMed PMID:36455869 PubMed Central PMC9792198.
- Walker, GM, Fridriksson, J, Hillis, AE, den Ouden, DB, Bonilha, L, Hickok, G et al.. The Severity-Calibrated Aphasia Naming Test. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2022;31 (6):2722-2740. doi: 10.1044/2022_AJSLP-22-00071. PubMed PMID:36332139 PubMed Central PMC9911092.
- Newman-Norlund, RD, Newman-Norlund, SE, Sayers, S, McLain, AC, Riccardi, N, Fridriksson, J et al.. Effects of social isolation on quality of life in elderly adults. PLoS One. 2022;17 (11):e0276590. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276590. PubMed PMID:36327259 PubMed Central PMC9632793.
- Kristinsson, S, Busby, N, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, R, den Ouden, DB, Magnusdottir, S et al.. Brain age predicts long-term recovery in post-stroke aphasia. Brain Commun. 2022;4 (5):fcac252. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcac252. PubMed PMID:36267328 PubMed Central PMC9576153.
- Schwen Blackett, D, Varkey, J, Wilmskoetter, J, Roth, R, Andrews, K, Busby, N et al.. Neural network bases of thematic semantic processing in language production. Cortex. 2022;156 :126-143. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2022.08.007. PubMed PMID:36244204 PubMed Central PMC10041939.
- Klusek, J, Newman-Norlund, R, Fairchild, AJ, Newman-Norlund, S, Sayers, S, Stewart, JC et al.. Low normal FMR1 genotype in older adult women: Psychological well-being and motor function. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2022;103 :104789. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104789. PubMed PMID:35981426 PubMed Central PMC9464716.
- Johnson, L, Nemati, S, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C, Busby, N, Basilakos, A et al.. Predictors beyond the lesion: Health and demographic factors associated with aphasia severity. Cortex. 2022;154 :375-389. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2022.06.013. PubMed PMID:35926368 PubMed Central PMC11205278.
- Stewart, JC, Baird, JF, Lewis, AF, Fritz, SL, Fridriksson, J. Effect of behavioural practice targeted at the motor action selection network after stroke. Eur J Neurosci. 2022;56 (4):4469-4485. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15754. PubMed PMID:35781898 PubMed Central PMC9380182.
- Matchin, W, den Ouden, DB, Hickok, G, Hillis, AE, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J et al.. The Wernicke conundrum revisited: evidence from connectome-based lesion-symptom mapping. Brain. 2022;145 (11):3916-3930. doi: 10.1093/brain/awac219. PubMed PMID:35727949 PubMed Central PMC10200287.
- Kristinsson, S, den Ouden, DB, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, R, Neils-Strunjas, J, Fridriksson, J et al.. Predictors of Therapy Response in Chronic Aphasia: Building a Foundation for Personalized Aphasia Therapy. J Stroke. 2022;24 (2):189-206. doi: 10.5853/jos.2022.01102. PubMed PMID:35677975 PubMed Central PMC9194549.
- Rogalsky, C, Basilakos, A, Rorden, C, Pillay, S, LaCroix, AN, Keator, L et al.. The Neuroanatomy of Speech Processing: A Large-scale Lesion Study. J Cogn Neurosci. 2022;34 (8):1355-1375. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01876. PubMed PMID:35640102 PubMed Central PMC9274306.
- Riccardi, N, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J, Desai, RH. Canonical Sentence Processing and the Inferior Frontal Cortex: Is There a Connection?. Neurobiol Lang (Camb). 2022;3 (2):318-344. doi: 10.1162/nol_a_00067. PubMed PMID:37215558 PubMed Central PMC10158581.
- Saxena, S, Keser, Z, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J, Walker, A et al.. Disruptions of the Human Connectome Associated With Hemispatial Neglect. Neurology. 2022;98 (2):e107-e114. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000013050. PubMed PMID:35263271 PubMed Central PMC8762585.
- Rosenzopf, H, Wiesen, D, Basilakos, A, Yourganov, G, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C et al.. Mapping the human praxis network: an investigation of white matter disconnection in limb apraxia of gesture production. Brain Commun. 2022;4 (1):fcac004. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcac004. PubMed PMID:35169709 PubMed Central PMC8833454.
- Merchant, AT, Yi, F, Vidanapathirana, NP, Lohman, M, Zhang, J, Newman-Norlund, RD et al.. Antibodies against Periodontal Microorganisms and Cognition in Older Adults. JDR Clin Trans Res. 2023;8 (2):148-157. doi: 10.1177/23800844211072784. PubMed PMID:35139675 PubMed Central PMC10029137.
- Behroozmand, R, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C, Hickok, G, Fridriksson, J. Neural correlates of impaired vocal feedback control in post-stroke aphasia. Neuroimage. 2022;250 :118938. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.118938. PubMed PMID:35092839 PubMed Central PMC8920755.
- Hillis, AE, Fridriksson, J. Preface. Handb Clin Neurol. 2022;185 :xi. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823384-9.09997-7. PubMed PMID:35078615 .
- Basilakos, A, Fridriksson, J. Types of motor speech impairments associated with neurologic diseases. Handb Clin Neurol. 2022;185 :71-79. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823384-9.00004-9. PubMed PMID:35078611 .
- Kristinsson, S, Fridriksson, J. Genetics in aphasia recovery. Handb Clin Neurol. 2022;185 :283-296. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823384-9.00015-3. PubMed PMID:35078606 .
- Johnson, LP, Fridriksson, J. Electrophysiologic evidence of reorganization in poststroke aphasia. Handb Clin Neurol. 2022;185 :167-174. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823384-9.00020-7. PubMed PMID:35078597 .
- Keator, LM, Yourganov, G, Basilakos, A, Hillis, AE, Hickok, G, Bonilha, L et al.. Independent contributions of structural and functional connectivity: Evidence from a stroke model. Netw Neurosci. 2021;5 (4):911-928. doi: 10.1162/netn_a_00207. PubMed PMID:35024536 PubMed Central PMC8746188.
- Stockbridge, MD, Matchin, W, Walker, A, Breining, B, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G et al.. One cat, Two cats, Red cat, Blue cats: Eliciting morphemes from individuals with primary progressive aphasia. Aphasiology. 2021;35 (12):1-12. doi: 10.1080/02687038.2020.1852167. PubMed PMID:35002009 PubMed Central PMC8735668.
- Johnson, L, Yourganov, G, Basilakos, A, Newman-Norlund, RD, Thors, H, Keator, L et al.. Functional Connectivity and Speech Entrainment Speech Entrainment Improves Connectivity Between Anterior and Posterior Cortical Speech Areas in Non-fluent Aphasia. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2022;36 (2):164-174. doi: 10.1177/15459683211064264. PubMed PMID:34968159 PubMed Central PMC8982955.
- Stockbridge, MD, Fridriksson, J, Sen, S, Bonilha, L, Hillis, AE. Protocol for Escitalopram and Language Intervention for Subacute Aphasia (ELISA): A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial. PLoS One. 2021;16 (12):e0261474. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261474. PubMed PMID:34941929 PubMed Central PMC8699636.
- Matchin, W, Basilakos, A, Ouden, DD, Stark, BC, Hickok, G, Fridriksson, J et al.. Functional differentiation in the language network revealed by lesion-symptom mapping. Neuroimage. 2022;247 :118778. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118778. PubMed PMID:34896587 PubMed Central PMC8830186.
- Wilmskoetter, J, He, X, Caciagli, L, Jensen, JH, Marebwa, B, Davis, KA et al.. Language Recovery after Brain Injury: A Structural Network Control Theory Study. J Neurosci. 2022;42 (4):657-669. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1096-21.2021. PubMed PMID:34872927 PubMed Central PMC8805614.
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- Walker, GM, Basilakos, A, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G. Beyond Percent Correct: Measuring Change in Individual Picture Naming Ability. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2022;65 (1):215-237. doi: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00205. PubMed PMID:34818508 PubMed Central PMC9154021.
- Peters, DM, Fridriksson, J, Richardson, JD, Stewart, JC, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L et al.. Upper and Lower Limb Motor Function Correlates with Ipsilesional Corticospinal Tract and Red Nucleus Structural Integrity in Chronic Stroke: A Cross-Sectional, ROI-Based MRI Study. Behav Neurol. 2021;2021 :3010555. doi: 10.1155/2021/3010555. PubMed PMID:34804258 PubMed Central PMC8601844.
- Sangtian, S, Wang, Y, Fridriksson, J, Behroozmand, R. Impairment of speech auditory feedback error detection and motor correction in post-stroke aphasia. J Commun Disord. 2021;94 :106163. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106163. PubMed PMID:34768093 PubMed Central PMC8627481.
- Basilakos, A, Hula, WD, Johnson, LP, Kiran, S, Walker, GM, Fridriksson, J et al.. Defining the Neurobiological Mechanisms of Action in Aphasia Therapies: Applying the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System Framework to Research and Practice in Aphasia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2022;103 (3):581-589. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.10.017. PubMed PMID:34748759 .
- Fridriksson, J, Basilakos, A, Boyle, M, Cherney, LR, DeDe, G, Gordon, JK et al.. Demystifying the Complexity of Aphasia Treatment: Application of the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification Systemx. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2022;103 (3):574-580. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.08.025. PubMed PMID:34748758 .
- Gleichgerrcht, E, Roth, R, Fridriksson, J, den Ouden, D, Delgaizo, J, Stark, B et al.. Neural bases of elements of syntax during speech production in patients with aphasia. Brain Lang. 2021;222 :105025. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2021.105025. PubMed PMID:34555689 PubMed Central PMC8546356.
- Baboyan, V, Basilakos, A, Yourganov, G, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J et al.. Isolating the white matter circuitry of the dorsal language stream: Connectome-Symptom Mapping in stroke induced aphasia. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021;42 (17):5689-5702. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25647. PubMed PMID:34469044 PubMed Central PMC8559486.
- Wang, Y, Behroozmand, R, Johnson, LP, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J. Topological signal processing and inference of event-related potential response. J Neurosci Methods. 2021;363 :109324. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109324. PubMed PMID:34428514 PubMed Central PMC8532323.
- Kristinsson, S, Basilakos, A, Elm, J, Spell, LA, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C et al.. Individualized response to semantic versus phonological aphasia therapies in stroke. Brain Commun. 2021;3 (3):fcab174. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcab174. PubMed PMID:34423302 PubMed Central PMC8376685.
- Chang, AJ, Wilmskoetter, J, Fridriksson, J, McKinnon, ET, Johnson, LP, Basilakos, A et al.. Cortical microstructural changes associated with treated aphasia recovery. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2021;8 (9):1884-1894. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51445. PubMed PMID:34406705 PubMed Central PMC8419405.
- Fridriksson, J, Hillis, AE. Current Approaches to the Treatment of Post-Stroke Aphasia. J Stroke. 2021;23 (2):183-201. doi: 10.5853/jos.2020.05015. PubMed PMID:34102754 PubMed Central PMC8189855.
- Yourganov, G, Stark, BC, Fridriksson, J, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C. Effect of Stroke on Contralateral Functional Connectivity. Brain Connect. 2021;11 (7):543-552. doi: 10.1089/brain.2020.0901. PubMed PMID:33757303 PubMed Central PMC8558087.
- Wilmskoetter, J, Fridriksson, J, Basilakos, A, Phillip Johnson, L, Marebwa, B, Rorden, C et al.. Indirect White Matter Pathways Are Associated With Treated Naming Improvement in Aphasia. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2021;35 (4):346-355. doi: 10.1177/1545968321999052. PubMed PMID:33719732 PubMed Central PMC8068606.
- Feenaughty, L, Basilakos, A, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J. Speech timing changes accompany speech entrainment in aphasia. J Commun Disord. 2021;90 :106090. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106090. PubMed PMID:33611108 .
- Kristinsson, S, Zhang, W, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, R, Basilakos, A, Bonilha, L et al.. Machine learning-based multimodal prediction of language outcomes in chronic aphasia. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021;42 (6):1682-1698. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25321. PubMed PMID:33377592 PubMed Central PMC7978124.
- Walker, GM, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G. Connections and selections: Comparing multivariate predictions and parameter associations from latent variable models of picture naming. Cogn Neuropsychol. 2021;38 (1):50-71. doi: 10.1080/02643294.2020.1837092. PubMed PMID:33150843 PubMed Central PMC7855206.
- Regan, E, Fridriksson, J, Schaefer, SY, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L, Lingo VanGilder, J et al.. Neural correlates of within-session practice effects in mild motor impairment after stroke: a preliminary investigation. Exp Brain Res. 2021;239 (1):151-160. doi: 10.1007/s00221-020-05964-y. PubMed PMID:33130906 PubMed Central PMC7887039.
- Stockbridge, MD, Walker, A, Matchin, W, Breining, BL, Fridriksson, J, Hillis, AE et al.. A double dissociation between plural and possessive "s": Evidence from the Morphosyntactic Generation test. Cogn Neuropsychol. 2021;38 (1):116-123. doi: 10.1080/02643294.2020.1833851. PubMed PMID:33096962 PubMed Central PMC7855872.
- Rodriguez-Porcel, F, Wilmskoetter, J, Cooper, C, Taylor, JA, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G et al.. The relationship between dorsal stream connections to the caudate and verbal fluency in Parkinson disease. Brain Imaging Behav. 2021;15 (4):2121-2125. doi: 10.1007/s11682-020-00407-2. PubMed PMID:33044730 .
- Johnson, LP, Sangtian, S, Johari, K, Behroozmand, R, Fridriksson, J. Slowed Compensation Responses to Altered Auditory Feedback in Post-Stroke Aphasia: Implications for Speech Sensorimotor Integration. J Commun Disord. 2020;88 :106034. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2020.106034. PubMed PMID:32919232 PubMed Central PMC7736368.
- Munsell, BC, Gleichgerrcht, E, Hofesmann, E, Delgaizo, J, McDonald, CR, Marebwa, B et al.. Personalized connectome fingerprints: Their importance in cognition from childhood to adult years. Neuroimage. 2020;221 :117122. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117122. PubMed PMID:32634596 PubMed Central PMC11316952.
- Keator, LM, Basilakos, A, Rorden, C, Elm, J, Bonilha, L, Fridriksson, J et al.. Clinical Implementation of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Aphasia: A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020;29 (3):1376-1388. doi: 10.1044/2020_AJSLP-19-00037. PubMed PMID:32437243 PubMed Central PMC7893518.
- Spell, LA, Richardson, JD, Basilakos, A, Stark, BC, Teklehaimanot, A, Hillis, AE et al.. Developing, Implementing, and Improving Assessment and Treatment Fidelity in Clinical Aphasia Research. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020;29 (1):286-298. doi: 10.1044/2019_AJSLP-19-00126. PubMed PMID:31990598 PubMed Central PMC7231909.
- Matchin, W, Basilakos, A, Stark, BC, den Ouden, DB, Fridriksson, J, Hickok, G et al.. Agrammatism and Paragrammatism: A Cortical Double Dissociation Revealed by Lesion-Symptom Mapping. Neurobiol Lang (Camb). 2020;1 (2):208-225. doi: 10.1162/nol_a_00010. PubMed PMID:34296193 PubMed Central PMC8293792.
- Kristinsson, S, Yourganov, G, Xiao, F, Bonilha, L, Stark, BC, Rorden, C et al.. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Genotype-Specific Differences in Cortical Activation in Chronic Aphasia. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2019;62 (11):3923-3936. doi: 10.1044/2019_JSLHR-L-RSNP-19-0021. PubMed PMID:31756156 PubMed Central PMC7203521.
- Riccardi, N, Yourganov, G, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J, Desai, R. Degradation of Praxis Brain Networks and Impaired Comprehension of Manipulable Nouns in Stroke. J Cogn Neurosci. 2020;32 (3):467-483. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01495. PubMed PMID:31682566 PubMed Central PMC10274171.
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- Wilmskoetter, J, Del Gaizo, J, Phillip, L, Behroozmand, R, Gleichgerrcht, E, Fridriksson, J et al.. Predicting naming responses based on pre-articulatory electrical activity in individuals with aphasia. Clin Neurophysiol. 2019;130 (11):2153-2163. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2019.08.011. PubMed PMID:31585339 PubMed Central PMC6935719.
- Bonilha, L, Hillis, AE, Wilmskoetter, J, Hickok, G, Basilakos, A, Munsell, B et al.. Neural structures supporting spontaneous and assisted (entrained) speech fluency. Brain. 2019;142 (12):3951-3962. doi: 10.1093/brain/awz309. PubMed PMID:31580418 PubMed Central PMC6885692.
- Wilmskoetter, J, Marebwa, B, Basilakos, A, Fridriksson, J, Rorden, C, Stark, BC et al.. Long-range fibre damage in small vessel brain disease affects aphasia severity. Brain. 2019;142 (10):3190-3201. doi: 10.1093/brain/awz251. PubMed PMID:31501862 PubMed Central PMC7962907.
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- Basilakos, A, Stark, BC, Johnson, L, Rorden, C, Yourganov, G, Bonilha, L et al.. Leukoaraiosis Is Associated With a Decline in Language Abilities in Chronic Aphasia. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2019;33 (9):718-729. doi: 10.1177/1545968319862561. PubMed PMID:31315507 PubMed Central PMC6693961.
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- den Ouden, DB, Malyutina, S, Basilakos, A, Bonilha, L, Gleichgerrcht, E, Yourganov, G et al.. Cortical and structural-connectivity damage correlated with impaired syntactic processing in aphasia. Hum Brain Mapp. 2019;40 (7):2153-2173. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24514. PubMed PMID:30666767 PubMed Central PMC6445708.
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- Marebwa, BK, Adams, RJ, Magwood, GS, Basilakos, A, Mueller, M, Rorden, C et al.. Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Brain Health: Impact on Long-Range Cortical Connections and Cognitive Performance. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7 (23):e010054. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.010054. PubMed PMID:30520672 PubMed Central PMC6405561.
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- den Ouden, DB, Galkina, E, Basilakos, A, Fridriksson, J. Vowel Formant Dispersion Reflects Severity of Apraxia of Speech. Aphasiology. 2018;32 (8):902-921. doi: 10.1080/02687038.2017.1385050. PubMed PMID:30297975 PubMed Central PMC6173518.
- McKinnon, ET, Fridriksson, J, Basilakos, A, Hickok, G, Hillis, AE, Spampinato, MV et al.. Types of naming errors in chronic post-stroke aphasia are dissociated by dual stream axonal loss. Sci Rep. 2018;8 (1):14352. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32457-4. PubMed PMID:30254222 PubMed Central PMC6156587.
- Fridriksson, J, Elm, J, Stark, BC, Basilakos, A, Rorden, C, Sen, S et al.. BDNF genotype and tDCS interaction in aphasia treatment. Brain Stimul. 2018;11 (6):1276-1281. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2018.08.009. PubMed PMID:30150003 PubMed Central PMC6293970.
- Fridriksson, J, Rorden, C, Elm, J, Sen, S, George, MS, Bonilha, L et al.. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation vs Sham Stimulation to Treat Aphasia After Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurol. 2018;75 (12):1470-1476. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.2287. PubMed PMID:30128538 PubMed Central PMC6583191.
- Fridriksson, JF, Rorden, C, Newman-Norlund, RD, Froeliger, B, Thrasher, JF. Smokers' Neurological Responses to Novel and Repeated Health Warning Labels (HWLs) From Cigarette Packages. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9 :319. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00319. PubMed PMID:30072925 PubMed Central PMC6060441.
- Singh, T, Perry, CM, Fritz, SL, Fridriksson, J, Herter, TM. Eye Movements Interfere With Limb Motor Control in Stroke Survivors. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2018;32 (8):724-734. doi: 10.1177/1545968318790016. PubMed PMID:30043656 .
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- Hickok, G, Rogalsky, C, Matchin, W, Basilakos, A, Cai, J, Pillay, S et al.. Neural networks supporting audiovisual integration for speech: A large-scale lesion study. Cortex. 2018;103 :360-371. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2018.03.030. PubMed PMID:29705718 PubMed Central PMC6223621.
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- Basilakos, A, Yourganov, G, den Ouden, DB, Fogerty, D, Rorden, C, Feenaughty, L et al.. A Multivariate Analytic Approach to the Differential Diagnosis of Apraxia of Speech. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2017;60 (12):3378-3392. doi: 10.1044/2017_JSLHR-S-16-0443. PubMed PMID:29181537 PubMed Central PMC6111519.
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- Del Gaizo, J, Fridriksson, J, Yourganov, G, Hillis, AE, Hickok, G, Misic, B et al.. Mapping Language Networks Using the Structural and Dynamic Brain Connectomes. eNeuro. 2017;4 (5):. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0204-17.2017. PubMed PMID:29109969 PubMed Central PMC5672546.
- Bonilha, L, Hillis, AE, Hickok, G, den Ouden, DB, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J et al.. Temporal lobe networks supporting the comprehension of spoken words. Brain. 2017;140 (9):2370-2380. doi: 10.1093/brain/awx169. PubMed PMID:29050387 PubMed Central PMC8189019.
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- Peters, DM, Fridriksson, J, Stewart, JC, Richardson, JD, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L et al.. Cortical disconnection of the ipsilesional primary motor cortex is associated with gait speed and upper extremity motor impairment in chronic left hemispheric stroke. Hum Brain Mapp. 2018;39 (1):120-132. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23829. PubMed PMID:28980355 PubMed Central PMC5718970.
- Munsell, BC, Wu, G, Fridriksson, J, Thayer, K, Mofrad, N, Desisto, N et al.. Relationship between neuronal network architecture and naming performance in temporal lobe epilepsy: A connectome based approach using machine learning. Brain Lang. 2019;193 :45-57. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2017.08.006. PubMed PMID:28899551 .
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- McKinnon, ET, Fridriksson, J, Glenn, GR, Jensen, JH, Helpern, JA, Basilakos, A et al.. Structural plasticity of the ventral stream and aphasia recovery. Ann Neurol. 2017;82 (1):147-151. doi: 10.1002/ana.24983. PubMed PMID:28628946 PubMed Central PMC5559663.
- Basilakos, A, Smith, KG, Fillmore, P, Fridriksson, J, Fedorenko, E. Functional Characterization of the Human Speech Articulation Network. Cereb Cortex. 2018;28 (5):1816-1830. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx100. PubMed PMID:28453613 PubMed Central PMC5907347.
- Hillis, AE, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J. Brain regions essential for word comprehension: Drawing inferences from patients. Ann Neurol. 2017;81 (6):759-768. doi: 10.1002/ana.24941. PubMed PMID:28445916 PubMed Central PMC5494251.
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- Bonilha, L, Gleichgerrcht, E, Fridriksson, J, Rorden, C, Breedlove, JL, Nesland, T et al.. Reproducibility of the Structural Brain Connectome Derived from Diffusion Tensor Imaging. PLoS One. 2015;10 (8):e0135247. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135247. PubMed PMID:26332788 PubMed Central PMC4557836.
- Bonilha, L, Gleichgerrcht, E, Nesland, T, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J. Success of Anomia Treatment in Aphasia Is Associated With Preserved Architecture of Global and Left Temporal Lobe Structural Networks. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2016;30 (3):266-79. doi: 10.1177/1545968315593808. PubMed PMID:26150147 PubMed Central PMC4703576.
- Gleichgerrcht, E, Fridriksson, J, Bonilha, L. Neuroanatomical foundations of naming impairments across different neurologic conditions. Neurology. 2015;85 (3):284-92. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001765. PubMed PMID:26115732 PubMed Central PMC4516297.
- Fridriksson, J, Basilakos, A, Hickok, G, Bonilha, L, Rorden, C. Speech entrainment compensates for Broca's area damage. Cortex. 2015;69 :68-75. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2015.04.013. PubMed PMID:25989443 PubMed Central PMC4522328.
- Kocher, M, Gleichgerrcht, E, Nesland, T, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J, Spampinato, MV et al.. Individual variability in the anatomical distribution of nodes participating in rich club structural networks. Front Neural Circuits. 2015;9 :16. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2015.00016. PubMed PMID:25954161 PubMed Central PMC4405623.
- Basilakos, A, Rorden, C, Bonilha, L, Moser, D, Fridriksson, J. Patterns of poststroke brain damage that predict speech production errors in apraxia of speech and aphasia dissociate. Stroke. 2015;46 (6):1561-6. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.009211. PubMed PMID:25908457 PubMed Central PMC4442076.
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- Fridriksson, J, Guo, D, Fillmore, P, Holland, A, Rorden, C. Damage to the anterior arcuate fasciculus predicts non-fluent speech production in aphasia. Brain. 2013;136 (Pt 11):3451-60. doi: 10.1093/brain/awt267. PubMed PMID:24131592 PubMed Central PMC3808690.
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- Fridriksson, J, Hubbard, HI, Hudspeth, SG, Holland, AL, Bonilha, L, Fromm, D et al.. Speech entrainment enables patients with Broca's aphasia to produce fluent speech. Brain. 2012;135 (Pt 12):3815-29. doi: 10.1093/brain/aws301. PubMed PMID:23250889 PubMed Central PMC3525061.
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- Fridriksson, J, Richardson, JD, Fillmore, P, Cai, B. Left hemisphere plasticity and aphasia recovery. Neuroimage. 2012;60 (2):854-63. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.12.057. PubMed PMID:22227052 PubMed Central PMC3313653.
- Datta, A, Baker, JM, Bikson, M, Fridriksson, J. Individualized model predicts brain current flow during transcranial direct-current stimulation treatment in responsive stroke patient. Brain Stimul. 2011;4 (3):169-74. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2010.11.001. PubMed PMID:21777878 PubMed Central PMC3142347.
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- Fridriksson, J. Preservation and modulation of specific left hemisphere regions is vital for treated recovery from anomia in stroke. J Neurosci. 2010;30 (35):11558-64. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2227-10.2010. PubMed PMID:20810877 PubMed Central PMC2938788.
- Fridriksson, J, Kjartansson, O, Morgan, PS, Hjaltason, H, Magnusdottir, S, Bonilha, L et al.. Impaired speech repetition and left parietal lobe damage. J Neurosci. 2010;30 (33):11057-61. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1120-10.2010. PubMed PMID:20720112 PubMed Central PMC2936270.
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- Bonilha, L, Eckert, MA, Fridriksson, J, Hirth, VA, Moser, D, Morgan, PS et al.. Age-related relative volume preservation of the dominant hand cortical region. Brain Res. 2009;1305 :14-9. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.10.001. PubMed PMID:19819233 PubMed Central PMC2844642.
- Moser, D, Baker, JM, Sanchez, CE, Rorden, C, Fridriksson, J. Temporal order processing of syllables in the left parietal lobe. J Neurosci. 2009;29 (40):12568-73. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5934-08.2009. PubMed PMID:19812331 PubMed Central PMC3849730.
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