• Welcome to the Home Care Specialist Training on Chronic Health Conditions site

    Home Care Specialist Training


    Course Information:

    Welcome to the Home Care Specialist Training!  This series of training modules will enhance your skills as a Personal Care Aide (PCA) and improve the care of your home care client.

    This training consists of 13 online modules that will teach you how to recognize health changes and report on troubling issues in a home care client’s condition.

    Complete all sections of this course.  The quizzes included in this online training will help you review and are required in order to be awarded all of the training hours.

    Course Description:  The purpose of this training course is to provide PCAs or those interested in working as a PCA with an extra level of training about common health issues home-care clients may suffer from.  Throughout this course, you will learn about common chronic conditions and other issues faced by home care clients.  You will also learn the changes and warning signs of each condition, and will learn how to Observe, Record, and Report these changes to a healthcare provider. 

    Online Training:

    The Home Care Specialist training course will be available to you online at https://web.asph.sc.edu/osa/.  You will be able to access the training from any device with internet capabilities, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The training consists of 13 self-paced modules.  The duration of each module is about 30 minutes.  You will be able to pause, exit without completing, and restart a module if needed.  Following each module, you must pass the corresponding quiz with a score of at least 80%.

    These modules work best when viewed with the Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers.

    Important information for Students from School District 5 of Lexington and Richland Counties:

    a)    Contacting us:

    Any time you have a question about course content, please contact Mrs. Mary Hugee at mhugee@lexrich5.org or Dr. Kathie Greer at kgreer@lexrich5.org.  If you have technical questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Mary Hugee at mhugee@lexrich5.org or Dr. Kathie Greer at kgreer@lexrich5.org.

    b)   Home Care Specialist Credit:

    After you have successfully completed each module and passed the corresponding quiz, you can print your certificate of completion directly from your device.  Notify your instructor that you have completed all modules and the instructor will verify completion. After completion of all 13 modules is verified, we will send you your Home Care Specialist Certificate of completion.  It may take up to two weeks to receive your certificate. Your instructor will meet with you to discuss next steps relative to your individual program plan.   


    General Tips for Success in Online Learning:

    These modules are self-paced. Do not skip ahead in the modules. This can prevent you from earning credit for the training.

    Each module must be watched in-full for the system to register that you have completed it.

    As with all training, the effort put into the online modules determines their effectiveness.

    Follow these general tips to maximize your learning experience:

    • Prepare by setting aside time to complete the modules
    • Turn off your phone
    • Put up a “Do not disturb” sign
    • Make sure you have a good internet connection
    • Have headphones or earbuds ready because this training uses sound.
    • Use the Next and Back buttons to work at your own pace. The Next button moves you forward in each module only when you are ready.
    • Choose to maximize the window to get the biggest view.

    • Keep track of your work and print your certificates.


    Authors and Funding

    This training was developed by a group of researchers from the University of South Carolina.  Carol Cornman and Angela Gibson, with the Office for the Study of Aging, developed modules 1 thru 12, and Caroline Bergeron, with the Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, developed module 13. 

    The funding for this training was provided by a Health Care Innovation Award from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Cooperative Agreement Award No. 1C1CMS331014). 


Available courses

The purpose of this training course is to teach you how to recognize changes and report on troubling issues in a home care client’s condition.   Throughout this course, you will learn the common chronic conditions and other issues faced by home care clients.  You will also learn the changes and warning signs of each condition to observe, record, and report to a healthcare provider.  The Home Care Specialist training is intended to enhance your skills as a personal care aide to improve the care of your home care client.